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Files and Folders

See how to keep your files in Docketwise organized with folders

Alexandrea Melhem avatar
Written by Alexandrea Melhem
Updated over 12 months ago


In Docketwise, it is easier than ever to keep your uploaded files organized by using folders. Folders can be made and assigned according to the following parameters:

  • Unassigned (not related to a contact or matter)

  • Assigned to a specific contact

  • Assigned to a specific matter

In addition, sub-folders can be made for any folder within Docketwise.


Uploading a File

In order to upload a file to Docketwise, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Click the + New ▼ button on the Files Dashboard or from your Client's/Matter's Files tab or specific folder OR click the Create New ▼ button

  2. Choose the File option

  3. Click the box to select your file or drag and drop it into the box

  4. Assign to a Contact/Matter (optional)

  5. Click the Upload button

Note: The size limit per file is 100 MB on Basic and Pro Subscription Plans and 5 GB on the Advanced Subscription Plan.

Creating Folders within Docketwise

To get started, you will have to create a folder. This can be done in the (A) Files Dashboard or under the Files tab of a specific (B) Contact or (C) Matter.

If you create a folder through the Files tab of a specific Contact or Matter, the folder will automatically be assigned to the Matter and/or Contact.

From whichever environment you choose to create a new folder, you will start by clicking the + New ▼ button and choosing the Folder option.

After selecting the option to create a new folder, you will be prompted to fill out some basic information about the folder:

  1. Name of the folder

  2. Contact associated with the folder (optional)

  3. Matter associated with the folder (optional, requires the matter's primary contact to be the assigned contact)

After filling in the appropriate information, click the Create Folder button to create your folder.

Creating a Subfolder

Once you have created a folder, you are now able to create subfolders within that folder! To get started, you will want to navigate to open the folder where you would like to add subfolders.

After opening the folder in which you would like to create a subfolder, you will click the + New ▼ button and indicate the title of the subfolder being created. After filling out the title, click the Create Folder button to create your subfolder.

Uploading a File to a Folder

When uploading a file to Docketwise, you are able to assign it to a specific folder and there are 2 ways to do so:

  1. Clicking the + New ▼ button from within the folder you would like to upload the file:

  2. Clicking the Create New button and selecting File (note: this function does not allow files to be saved to subfolders):

Assigning an Existing File or Folder to a Contact, Matter, and/or Folder

In order to assign an existing file or folder to a Contact, Matter, and/or Folder, you will want to select the checkbox for the file and click the More Actions ▼ button.

After clicking on the More Actions ▼ button, you can indicate:

  1. Contact to which to save the file/folder

  2. Matter to which to save the file/folder (requires the matter's primary contact to be the assigned contact)

  3. Folder to which to save the file/folder (requires that matter or contact to be specified if the specific folder is associated

  4. After indicating the desired location/assignments, click the Update button to have your changes saved.

Note: If you wish to assign a file to a sub-folder, first select the parent folder from the Assign to a folder field and then select the sub-folder in that same field.

Renaming Files and Folders

Renaming Files

In order to edit a file's name, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the file you would like to rename

  2. Mouseover the file that you would like to

  3. Click the ✏️ Pencil icon

  4. Enter the new Folder name

  5. Hit Enter/Return on your keyboard

Renaming Folders

In order to edit a folder's name, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the folder you would like to rename

  2. Click the ✏️ Pencil icon

  3. Enter the new Folder name

  4. Hit Enter/Return on your keyboard

Downloading Files

Downloading an Individual File

In order to download an individual file, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the file you would like to download

  2. Mouseover the file that you would like to download

  3. Click the ⬇️ Download icon

Bulk-Downloading Files

In order to bulk-download files, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Check the boxes for the files and/or folders that you would like to download

  2. Click the More Actions ▼ button

  3. Select the Download File(s) option

Previewing Files

In Docketwise, you can preview the following file types:











In order to preview a file, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the file you would like to preview

  2. Mouseover the file that you would like to preview

  3. Click the 👁️ Preview icon

Printing Files

Also, you can also print files directly without the needing to download the file first. If you wish to print a file directly from Docketwise, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the file you would like to print

  2. Mouseover the file that you would like to print

  3. Click on the 🖨️ Printer icon

  4. Print the file from the newly opened tab

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