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User Reports

With User Reports in Docketwise you can gain insights for your firm

Allie Melhem avatar
Written by Allie Melhem
Updated over a week ago


User Reports allow you to gain insights into your firm as well as analyze and uncover important metrics from your Users in Docketwise.

Click here to learn more about our other types of reports in Docketwise.


Types of User Reports

Invoices by User

The Invoices by User report displays the totals and balances of all invoices assigned to each user on your account.

  • Displaying Data From: Invoices

  • Results Organized By: Grouped by User

  • Primary Columns: Client, Type, Matters, Issued, Due Date, Total, and Balance

  • Additional Available Columns: Description, Discount Amount, Discount Amount Description, Discount Percent, Discount Percent Description, Footer, Has Discount Amount, Has Discount Percent, Invoice Number, Last Reminder, Reminder Frequency, Send Reminders, Status, Trust Level, Trust Request Amount, and Updated

  • Filters Available: Payment Status, Invoice Type, Date Created, Date Paid, Due Date, and Late Status

Payments by User

The Payments by User report displays the total payments made from clients on your Docketwise account grouped by each assigned user.

  • Displaying Data From: Invoice Payments

  • Results Organized By: Grouped by User

  • Primary Columns: Client, Payment type, Invoice type, Matter, Date created, Amount

  • Additional Available Columns: Updated

  • Filters Available: Payment Type, Invoice Type, Date Created,

Late Tasks by User

The Late Tasks by User report displays which tasks are incomplete for each user on your Docketwise account.

  • Displaying Data From: Tasks

  • Results Organized By: Grouped by User

  • Primary Columns: Title, Status, Contact, Matter, Date created, Due date, Assignees

  • Additional Available Columns: Complete, Updated

  • Filters Available: Late Status, Assignee, Date Created, Branch, Completed Status

Matters by User

The Matters by User report displays all of the matters assigned to each user on your Docketwise account.

  • Displaying Data From: Matters

  • Results Organized By: Grouped by User

  • Primary Columns: Title, Client, Description, Updated, Priority date status, Assignees, Type, Status

  • Additional Available Columns: Approval, Case Deadline, Colors, Court Case Date, Date Retainer Signed, Date Case Closed, Date Case Opened, Date Of Hire, Funding Source, Grant Type, Internal File Number, Judge's Name, Matter Status, Applicant, Preference Category, Priority Date

  • Filters Available: Mattery Type, Matter Status, Active or Archived, Assignees, Date Created, Late Status, Branch, Filter by Attributes

Creating a User Report

To run a User report, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. From the Docketwise dashboard, click the Create New ▼ button

  2. Choose the Report option

  3. Choose the User Reports category

  4. Choose the specific User report that you would like to create

Applying Filters to User Reports

Once you have created/run a new report, you can get started with adding filters to your report.

The filters available will depend on the specific report that is being run.

In order to use a filter, simply select the filters that you would like to apply and click the Update button.

Adding Custom Columns to User Reports

Adding Custom Columns

All your User reports can be customized

Editing Custom Columns in Reports

In order to start customizing your Reports, you will first need to:

  • Navigate to the Report Type that you would like to customize

  • Click the ⚙️ Gear Icon

After clicking on the ⚙️ Gear Icon, you can then edit your Dashboard's columns by

  • Adding columns

  • Removing columns

  • Reordering columns

Adding Columns in User Reports

To add a column to a report, simply click the Checkbox for the column from the options under Available Columns and save your changes.

Removing Columns in User Reports

To remove a column from the Dashboard, simply unclick the Checkbox for the column from the options under Selected Columns and save your changes.

Reordering Columns in User Reports

To reorder your columns for the Dashboard, simply drag and drop the column values under Selected Columns and save your changes.

Exporting a User Report to a CSV File

After you have created a User report, you are able to export it to a CSV file, which can then be saved.

In order to export the report, you will simply click the Export button, which will download the report to a CSV file.

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